Love the cap! |
July 8, 2009 |
Carrie Delaney from Dallas, TX, USA
Salaam Aleikum! Shalom Aleichem! Baruch Hu Baruch Shemo Ha'Rachamim.
(Peace Be to You! Peace Be to You! Blessed is He the Blessed Name The Merciful.) I so much appreciate your kind rapid reply and look forward to receiving another swim cap. Without doubt, most people will want to order one of each color. They're a perfect match for my blue/purple swim-dress! I have already tested the blue one here and am amazed how well it kept my long hair in check...it did not float off like some other well-meaning products. My husband likes it better than the hot vinyl bathing caps I was using; now, my head can "breathe" but still be covered! Have you thought about making a long wraparound skirt out of a complimentary material? Something that can be wrapped quickly for "dressing" in case one would like to run into a store or restaurant to buy soda or snacks without having to change clothes entirely? (I do not wear pants or slacks in public at all...sure there are others.) So, Sister Shereen, again thank you! v'Shalom...with Peace, - Yael bat Avraham Avinu (PBUH) Yael, daughter of our Father Abraham
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